Not that any of you care, but seriously, I need a freaking haircut. My hair goes into a ponytail now (mind you a tiny-pony, like a mini pony, but still, a pony none-the-less).
So what's been going on this week, well, other than finishing my coursework and taking my exam, not much. Monday Aubs and I went to Hyde Park to celebrate being done w/ school (since I knew my exam was going to be a joke) and also to soak up some sun.
Rose garden in Hyde park
Yay! Freedom!
Love this archway walkway thingy
I don't know if this is like some sort of mini-stonehenge or what, but it was pretty.
What's better than enjoying a sunny day in the park? Doing it with ICECREAM!
Princess Diana Memorial Fountain, which was really cool.
I was pretty much a bum most of the week, until Thursday when I decided I should do something of some sort of substance (that was a lot of s's there... wow). Anywho's, I decided to hit up my two remaining museums, the Tate Modern and the Imperial War Museum. I don't have many photos b/c you can't take pictures in the TM (lame) but I totally took some before I knew that :) and the Imperial War museum is not something you photograph. They had the most amazing 2 floor exhibit on the Holocaust that had me on the verge of tears numerous time. So heart wrenching and saddening and every other adjective out there.
GIANT dining room furniture. Look Sara, your table set is famous! and huge. I could walk under this sucker. If you look under the chair on the left, you can see a person, that's how big this thing is.
Monet's Water-lilies
Imperial War Museum
A piece of the Berlin Wall outside the IWM
The main hall inside the IWM
Me after spending the whole day in 2 museums.
Today I had to go to campus, a trip that will likely be my last to that area of town, so I decided I should take some more photos.
This is the Tower Building, which is huge and confusing but this is the area where all of my classes were.
Another part of the Tower Building.
Shell gas! Ok, now I know it looks like they have super cheap petrol, but let's do some math. It's 96.9 pence (almost 1 pound) per LITRE. There are 4.55 liters in a gallon, so that's 4.41 pounds. With the current conversion rate between pounds sterling and US dollars, thats basically $6.70 per gallon. Yeah, Hellloooo public transport.
Walking home from school, this is a shot of Islington, the area where I live.
Cutest window display meant just for me. Seriously, banana's, a bee rainsuit! Sweet! minus the stuffed spider, ew.
My tube stop, lets hear it for the Angel yo.
I love these buildings, and I see them everyday as I hike up the little hill towards Angel.
Just to illustrate how in the middle of the city I am, as in Zone 1, this is the street I walk to get to my flat, I'm about 4-5 blocks away and from here you can see the tip of the Gherkin (the weird egg building) which is in the financial district of The City.
Almost home, here's my bus stop.
Final stretch! You can see the tip of the Liberty sign if you look real hard on the right hand side of the end of the sidewalk.
Love it! So now I'm being super sophisticated and you should all be jealous because... I'm doing laundry. I know, I know, feel free to hate me. :)
See ya'll post-Ireland.
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