
this is all completely random and pointless but it's monday and i'm tired.

Feast your eyes on the cutest fucking thing I think I've ever made.

Yes, yes that IS a penguin hat for my future little nephew. Sadly, the pattern was for a small but it still looks like it won't fit him until he's about 24 months so now I'll need to modify it to make a smaller one but holy freaking COW is it adorable.

In progress is the matching stuffed penguin. I fear that I may die from a cuteness overload.

In other news, this past weekend was my sissy pants' birthday and to celebrate we went out to lunch and got pedicures. I am loathe to want anyone near my feet, so I rarely get pedicures and instead do my own toe maintenance, but for her I went. So Happy Birthday Sissy Pants!

I also went to the coast for the day and it was glorious. Sun. Warmth. Laughter. Chowder. The only thing missing was finding the motherload of old buttons. I will find them though, dag nab you buttons I will FIND you.

And to wrap this up all I have to say is GO PACKERS!!!!!!!


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