My internet has been shit-tastic this past month, and basically didn't work at all. After many a star filled night sitting by my modem resetting it, beating it, pleading with it to work for just a mere 5 minutes, I made the switch to comcast cable internet and so far am pleased. And by that I mean, he hooked it up at noon today and it's worked like a charm since. Farwell AT&T I will miss you and the ease of paying only 1 bill for internet and my cell phone, but I'd rather pay someone who is actually going to provide me access to all the important things in life. Like facebook, and youtube, and blogs to read, and dangerous online shopping. Lack of internet would be the main reason I haven't been around here lately, telling amazing tales about my lack of intelligence at times, but also I've been busy. I have a life you know. That DVR isn't going to watch itself.
But seriously, I can tell it's spring. Not just by my allergies or the fact that I was sick with some weird cold for 3 weeks, or by the crazy weather that's 80 degrees one day and rains the next. Nope, I can tell it's spring by the fact that life is picking up pace again. It's stretching and shaking itself off after a long winter's nap and as the flowers open their petals to the sunshine, things to do start rolling in from all directions. Mostly it means that school is steadily picking up speed as it heads downhill towards finals so that's basically taking over. Only a couple more weeks and I'll be free for summer. But I'll be doing research over the summer, so not totally free, but it'll be more like pleasure than work since I'm doing a behavior study on tigers, which lets face it, watching tigers for a couple hours a week is pretty awesome. :)
Other than trying to stay on top of normal life things I've been busy getting lots of trips in order. There's a trip to the coast coming up which I'm STOKED about. I haven't been to the beach in while and ready for some sand and sun. I'm PNW bound again at the end of May for Brent's wedding and just as exciting is I'm going back to Spokane for a couple of days and I haven't been back there since 2005, so that'll be pretty awesome. And lastly, I'm New York City and London bound at the end of June. Mel and I are planning on going to Dublin too, so this is pretty much going to be a busy couple months!!
Nothing to crazy has happened these days. But I'll wrap this up with a ridiculous photo of me with new bangs.
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